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Binder, D., Perlès, C., Inizan, M.-L., Lechevallier, M. , "Stratégies de gestion des outillages lithiques au Néolithique.", Paléo, vol. 2, pp. 257-283, 1990  .
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Zapotecky, M. , "Streitäxte des mitteleuropäischen Neolithikums", Quellen und Forschungen zur prähistorischen und provinzialrömischen Archäologie, vol. 6: VHC, Acta humaniora, 1990  .
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Schlichtherle, H. , "Siedlungen und Funde jungsteinzeitlicher Kulturgruppen zwischen Bodensee und Federsee", Die ersten Bauern, Bd.2 (Ausstellungs-katalog, Zurich 1990), pp. 135-156, 1990  .
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Löhr, H. , "Serial production of chipped stone tools since upper palaolithic times", The Big Puzzle. International Symposium on Refitting Stone Artefacts, vol. 1, Bonn, Holos, pp. 129-142, 1990  .
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Bueno Ramirez, P. , "Statues-Menhirs et stèles anthropomorphes de la Péninsule Ibérique.", L'Anthropologie (Paris), vol. 94, issue 1, pp. 85-110, 1990  .
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Fehn, K. [eds.], "Siedlungsprozesse an der Höhengrenze der Ökumene. Am Beispiel der Alpen. Siedlungsforschung", Archäologie – Geschichte – Geographie 8, Bonn, 1990  .
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Bassi, C., Endrizzi, L., Tait, M., Berlanda, G., Marzatico, F. , "Sanzeno e il mondo retico", A scuola con l'archeologia, vol. 6, Trento, PAT, 1990  .
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Cavada, E. , "Sul Monte Pergol un antico termine di confine romano", Strenna Trentina, 1990  .
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Pedrotti, A., Steinberger, M. , "Storia della metallurgia. L'attività mineraria", La metallurgia italiana 9/90, 1990  .
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Anghinelli, A., Anghinelli, S. [eds.], Studi di archeologia. Premio Lions 1990., , Viadana, Lions Club Viadana Oglio-Po, 1990  .
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Binder, G. [eds.], Salz aus Österreich, , Vienna, Brandstatter, 1990  .
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Todorova, H. , "Studia Praehistorica", Studia Praehistorica, vol. 10, Sofia, Archäologisches Institut der Bulgarischen Akademei der Wissenschaften - Archäologisches Institut der Akademie der Wissenschaften USSR, 1990  .
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Miglbauer, R. , "Sachsendorf- ein Mittelalterlicher Herrensitz.", Mitteilungen aus dem Stadtmuseum Wels., vol. 7/90, 1990  .
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Pellegrini, G.B. , Toponomastica italiana: 10 000 nomi di città, paesi, frazioni, regioni, contrade, fiumi, monti spiegati nellla loro origine e storia, , Milano, Hoepli, 1990  .
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Biagi, P. , "The Neolithisation of the Alpine Region", Monografie di "Natura Bresciana", vol. 13, Brescia, pp. 235, 1990  .
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Baily, D.W. , "The Living House: Signifying Continuity", The Social Archaeology of Houses, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 19-48, 1990  .
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Anati, E. , "The State of Research in rock art. The alpine menhir-statues and the indo-european problem", Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, vol. XXV-XXVI: Edizioni del Centro, pp. 13-44, 1990  .
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Anati, E. , "The state of research in rock art. The alpine menhir statues and the indo-european problem.", Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, vol. XXV-XXVI, pp. 13-44, 1990  .
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Cavada, E. , "Testimonianze di cultura materiale “slava” nelle Alpi Atesine: le fibule a disco con smalti (Emailscheibenfibel)", Archeologia Medievale, vol. 17, pp. 727-740, 1990  .
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Cremonesi, G., Guilaine, J., Radi, G., Coularou, J. , "Trasano et la céramique gravée materane", Autour de Jean Arnal, pp. 123-137, 1990  .
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Bagolini, B., Biagi, P. , "The Radiocarbon Chronology of the Neolithic and Copper Age of Northern Italy", Oxford Journal of Archaeology, vol. 9, pp. 1-23, 1990  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The lithic factor: a study of the relationship betweevn stone sources and human settlement in the Monti Lessini and the southern Alps.", Monografie di Natura bresciana, vol. 13, Brescia, pp. 147-157, 1990  .
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Cremaschi, M. , "The Loess in Northern and Central Italy: a Loess Basin between the Alps and the Mediterranean Region", Quaderni di Geodinamica Alpina e Quaternaria , vol. 1, 1990  .
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Gleirscher, P. , "Vor-und frühgeschichtliche Siedlungsprozesse im Alpenraum am Beispiel des mittleren und unteren Eisacktales aus archäologischer Sicht", Siedlungsforschung, vol. 8, Bonn, Verlag Siedlungsforschung, pp. 107-121, 1990  .
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Planta, A. , Verkehrswege im alten Rätien, , Chur, Terra-Grischuna-Buchverlag, 1990  .
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