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Graziosi, P. , "The prehistoric paintings of the Porto Badisco cave", Origines. Studi e materiali pubblicati a cura dell'Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Firenze, ETS, pp. 128, 1996  .
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Angelucci, D.E., Peresani, M. , "The micromorphology of some paleo-mesolithic living-floors in the southern Alps: preliminary data", Paleoecology, Forlì, Abaco, pp. 161-174, 1996  .
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Aspöck, H., Auer, H., Picher, O. , "Trichuris Trichuria Eggs in the Neolithic Glacier Mummy from the Alps.", Parasitology Today, vol. 12, issue 7: Elsevier Science, pp. 254-255, 1996  .
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Biagi, P. , "The Vhò Culture in Northern Italy: Archaeology and Venus Figurines.", Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, vol. XXIX, Capo di Ponte, pp. 149-55, 1996  .
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Broglio, A., Lanzinger, M. , "The human population of the southern slopes of the eastern Alps in the Wurm Late Glacial and Early Postglacial.", Il Quaternario - Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences, vol. 9 , issue 2, pp. 499-508, 1996  .
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Häusler, A. , "Totenorientierung und geographischer Raum", Terra & Praehistoria. Festschrift fur Klaus-Dieter Jager. Beitrage zur Ur- und Fruhgeschichte Mitteleuropas., vol. 9, Wilkau-Hausslau, Beier & Beran. Archäologische Fachliteratur, pp. 61-92, 1996  .
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Calderoni, G., Finotti, F., Illiceto, V., Leonardi, D., Paganelli, A. , "Topography-based identification of a palaeopeat-bog at Isera, near Rovereto (Trento, Italy) and first stratigraphic, radiocarbon and palinological result", Il Quaternario, vol. 9 (2): Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Quaternario, pp. 671-678, 1996  .
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Gorgoglione, A.M. , "Taranto: Capo Rondinella", Taras. Rivista di Archeologia, vol. XVI, pp. 21-22, 1996  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The Context of Statue-menhirs", Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi, vol. 3(1995): Civico Museo Archeologico di Bergamo, pp. 11-20, 1996  .
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Guilaine, J. , "Trasano (Matera): site du Néolitique et de l'Age de Bronze", MEFRA, vol. 1, 108: École Française de Rome, pp. 489-490, 1996  .
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Angelucci, D.E., Peresani, M. , "The Micromorphology of some Palaeo-Mesolithic living-floors in the Southern Alps: preliminary data.", Paleoecology, The Colloquia of the XIII UISPP Congress, Forlì, pp. 161-174, 1996  .
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Geniola, A. , "The Hypogea of Central Apulia", XIII UISPP, Forlì, pp. 316-324, 1996  .
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Pedrotti, A. , "Un insediamento d'altura alla Torretta di Isera (TN).", Archeologia del Comun Comunale Lagarino. Storia e forme dell'insediamento dalla preistoria al Medio Evo, Rovereto, pp. 71-86, 1996  .
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Bertrandy, F., Kayser, F. , "Une inscription de Vienne reconstituée: l'épitaphe de T. Vireius Mansuetus.", Zeitschrift für papirologie und Epigraphik, vol. 114: Dr Rudolf Habelt GMBH - Bonn, pp. 209-212, 1996  .
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Crisma, A. , Uomini, fatti e memorie. La calcàra. De Kalachgrùabe, , vol. 1: Curatorium Cimbricum veronense, 1996  .
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Ladurner-Parthanes, M. , Vom Perglwerk zur Torggl. Arbeit und Gerät im Südtiroler Weinbau., , Bolzano, Athesia, pp. 216, 1996  .
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Dal Rì, L. , "Vadena, fiume Adige", Le vie della pietra verde.L'industira litica levigata nella preistoria dell'Italia settentrionale, pp. 179-180, 1996  .
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Banffy, E. , "Vinča impacts on late Neolithic/early Chalcolithic Transdanubia", International symposium on the Vinca culture its role and cultural connections., Timisoara, pp. 324-333, 1996  .
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Kaufmann, D. , "Zu Kontakten zwischen der thüringischen Stichbandkeramik und dem bayerischen Mittelneolithikum", Terra & Praehistoria, Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas.Festschrift K.-D. Jäger , vol. 9, Halle (Saale), Beier & Beran Archaologische Fachliteratur, Wilkau-Hasslau, pp. 41-52, 1996  .
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Beiträge Zur Archäologie In Mittelfranken [eds.], , : Verlag Dr.Faustus Büchenbach, 1995/1996  .
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Serio, M., Mocchegiani, C. , "Bollettino di Archeologia subacquea", Bollettino di Archeologia subacquea, vol. Anno II-III, issue 1-2, 1995/1996  .
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Gilli, E., Montagnari Kokelj, E. , "La Grotta degli Zingari nel Carso triestino (materiali degli scavi 1961-1965).", Atti Soc. Preist. Protost., Friulia-V.G., vol. IX, pp. 63-126, 1995/1996  .
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Bertò, I., Clauser, S. , "Le strutture castellane in val di Non: analisi tipologica.", , Milano, Politecnico di Milano, 1995/1996  .
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Neues Aus Alt-Villach [eds.], , , vol. 32: Museum der Stadt Villach, pp. 237, 1995  .
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Beiträge Zur Archäologie In Mittelfranken [eds.], , , vol. 1: Verlag Dr.Faustus Büchenbach, 1995  .
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