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Hilgart, M., Knipping, M., Reisch, L., Rieder, K.H., Trappe, M. , "Der Talraum der Altmühl dei Kinding während der älteren Eisenzeit (Hallstattzeit)", Mitteilungen der Frankischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, vol. 46, pp. 127 - 170, 1999  .
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Leuzinger-Piccand, C., Leuzinger, U., Schindler, M.P. , "Die 14C-Daten der Feuerstellen im Drachenloch, Pfäfers SG", Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, vol. 82, pp. 227-229, 1999  .
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Guermandi, M.P. , "Dalle base dati alla rete: l'evoluzione del trattamento dei dati archeologici ", Archeologia e Calcolatori, vol. 10: CNR Dipartimento patrimonio culturale - Istituto di studi sulle civiltà italiche e del Mediterraneo antico , pp. 89-99, 1999  .
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Bonomi, F., Pasquali, T. , "Doss de le strie di Ceniga. Tracce di presenze preistoriche.", Judicaria, 1999  .
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Uboldi, M. [eds.], Dalla preistoria all'età del Ferro. Alla scoperta del Museo archeologico., , Como, Museo archeologico P. Giovio, 1999  .
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AA.VV. [eds.], "Dei di pietra. La grande statuaria antropomorfa nell'Europa del III millenio a.C. ", Dei di pietra. La grande statuaria antropomorfa nell'Europa del III millenio a.C. Dieux de pierre. La grande statuaire anthropomorphe en Europe au IIIe millénaire avant J.C., Aosta, SKIRA, 1999  .
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Annequin, J. , "Dialogues d'Histoire ancienne.", Dialogues d'Histoire ancienne., vol. 25/2: Presses Universitaires Franc-Comtoises, 1999  .
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Budja, M. , "Documenta Praehistorica", Documenta Praehistorica, vol. XXVI, Ljubljana, Mihael Budja, 1999  .
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Hughes, R. , "Das Hallstattzeitliche Gräberfeld von Schirndorf, LDRK. Regensburg VI", Materialhefte zur Bayerischen Vorgeschichte, vol. 79 Reihe A, Monaco, Lassleben Kallmunz, pp. 229, 1999  .
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Solch, R. , "Die Terra Sigillata-Manufaktur von Schwabmunchen-Schwabegg", Materialhefte zur bayerischen Vorgeschichte, vol. 81 , Reihe A, Monaco, Lassleben Kallmunz, pp. 172, 1999  .
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Annequin, J. , "Dialogues d'Histoire ancienne.", Dialogues d'Histoire ancienne., vol. 25/1: Presses Universitaires Franc-Comtoises, 1999  .
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Pou i Calvet, R., Martí i Rossel, M. , El Camí de Can Grau. La Roca del Vallès. Una necròpolis de sepoltures en fossa del neolític mitjà., , Barcellona, Generalitat de Catalunya- Departament de Cultura, 1999  .
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Weiner, J. , "European Pre - and Protohistoric Tar and Pitch: A Contribution to the History of Research 1720 - 1999", Acta Archaeometrica, vol. 1, Coburgo, Libavius Verlag Coburg, pp. 1 - 109, 1999  .
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Hebert, B. , "Ein neu entdeckter alpiner Brandopferplatz am Sölkpass", Archäologie Österreichs, vol. 10, issue 2, 1999  .
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Fano Martínez, M.A. , "El Habitat Mesolitico en el Cantabrico Occidental: Transformaciones Ambientales y Medio Fisico durante el Holoceno Antiguo", Journal of Anthropological Research, vol. 55, issue 4: University of New Mexico, pp. 620-621, 1999  .
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Leitner, W. , "Ein mesolithisches Jägerlager auf dem Hirschbichl, Gem. St. Jakob in Defereggen, Osttirol. Arch. Austriaca 82/83, 1998/99, 65-102", Archaelogica Austriaca (82/83), 1999  .
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Leitner, W. [eds.], Ein vorgeschichtliches Abri im Kleinwalsertal. Archäologie Österreich 10/1, 1999, 34-35., , 1999  .
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Baker, A.R.H. , Fraternity among the French peasantry: sociability and voluntary associations in the Loire valley, 1815-1914., , Cambridge, University Press, 1999  .
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Primas, M. , "From Fiction to Facts. Current Research on Prehistoric Human Activity in the Alps", Prehistoric alpine environment, society, and economy. Papers of the int. coll. PAESE ’97 in Zurich, Bonn, pp. 1–10, 1999  .
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Szabó, J.J. , "Früh-und Mittelbronzezeitliche Gräberfelder von Battonya", Inventaria Praehistorica Hungariae, vol. 8, Budapest, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum i, pp. 174, 1999  .
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Gattiglia A., Rossi M. , "Giotto, la mimesi e i petroglifi", La memoria della terra, vol. 4, Torino, Antropologia Alpina, 1999  .
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Robb, J. , "Great Persons and Big Men in the Italian Neolithic", Social Dynamics of the Prehistoric Central Mediterranean , London, Accordia Research Institute, pp. 111-122, 1999  .
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Weiner, J. , "Gedum - Feuerstahl oder multifunktionales Werkzeug früher Vorderladerschützen", Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift, 40 , vol. 40, pp. 417-447, 1999  .
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Longo, L. , "Grottesche: motivi dell'antico nei fregi di alcune dimore gentilizie", Civis: gruppo culturale Civis, 1999  .
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Damm, B. , "Glaciers, landscape and climate evolution in the mountains of Taufers (South Tyrol) since the Lateglacial", Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, vol. 22, issue 1, pp. 49-55, 1999  .
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