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Folgheraiter, A. , "La frana che “cancellò” Zambana ", Strenna Trentina, 2006  .
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Parnigotto, I., Pisoni, Tecchiati, U. , "Nuovi dati e riflessioni sul bronzo finale nella conca di Bressanone (BZ): risultati dello scavo di via Castellano (campagne 2002-2003)", Studi di Protostoria in onore di Renato Peroni, Firenze, pp. 17-29, 2006  .
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Mazzucchi, A., Betti, L., Steffenini, D., Cattaneo, C. , "Note in margine alla necropoli di San Chierico di Bolgare. Studi antropologici e paleopatologici", Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi, vol. 14: Civico Museo Archeologico di Bergamo, pp. 203-276, 2006  .
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Timothy Jull, A.J. [eds.], Radiocarbon. An international Journal of Cosmogenic Isotope Research., , vol. 48, USA, The university pf Arizona, pp. 305-523, 2006  .
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Dal Rì, L., Tecchiati, U. , "sul recente rinvenimento di un ripostiglio dell'età del Ferro a San Lorenzo di Sebato nel Tirolo cisalpino (Provincia di Bolzano)", Italo-Tusco-Romana. Festschrift für Luciana Aigner Foresti zun 70. Geburstag am 30. Juli 2006, Wien, 2006  .
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Tecchiati, U., Sala, B. , Studi di archeozoologia / Archäozoologische Studien / Archaeozoological Studies, , Bolzano, pp. 312, 2006  .
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Dalmeri, G., Bassetti, M., Cusinato, A., Hronzy Kompatscher, M., Kompatscher, K., Lemorini, C., Rossetti, P., Bazzanella, M., Agogué, O., Villa, G., Giacobini, G. , "Studi su Riparo Dalmeri (Grigno-Trento). Ritualità e frequentazione umana.", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 41 (2005): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 161-255, 2006  .
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Borrello, M.A., Micheli, R. , "Spondylus gaederopus, gioiello dell’Europa preistorica", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 40.2 (2004): Museo Trentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 71-82, 2006  .
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Zuech, A. , Tracce di storia a Malgolo, , Romeno (TN), 2006  .
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Chang, C. , "The Grass Is Greener on the Other Side. A Study of Pastoral Mobility on the Eurasian Steppe of Southeastern Kazakhstan", Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology of Mobility: University Presso of Florida, pp. 127-152, 2006  .
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Dalmeri, G., Bassetti, M., Cusinato, A., Hrozny Kompatscher, M., Kompatscher, K. , "The discovery of a painted anthropomorphic figure at Riparo Dalmeri and new insights into alpine Epigravettian art", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 41 (2005): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 161-163, 2006  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The Reconstruction of the Neolithic House at Rivoli Veronese", Preistoria dell'Italia Settentrionale. Studi in ricordo di Bernardo Bagolini., Udine, pp. 187-191, 2006  .
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Crutchley, S. , "Using lidar in archaeological contexts: The English Heritage experience and lessons learned", Laser scanner e GPS. Paesaggi archeologici e tecnologie digitali 1, All'Insegna del Giglio, Firenze, pp. 169-183, 2006  .
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Poggiani Keller, R., Priuli, A., Freschi, C., Tizzoni, M., Fedele, F., Maretta, A. , "Valcamonica preistorica e romana", Itinera. Visite didattiche alla Valle Camonica, vol. 5, Breno, Tipografia Camuna S.p.A, pp. 96, 2006  .
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Cremaschi, M., Pizzi, C., Valsecchi, V. , "Water management and land use in the terramare and a possible climatic co-factor in their abandonment: The case study of the terramara of Poviglio Santa Rosa (northern Italy)", Quaternary Inernational, vol. 151: Elsevier Ltd and the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA). , pp. 87-98, 2006  .
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Tewari, R., Srivastava, R.K., Singh, K.K., Saraswat, K.S., Singh, I.B:, Chauhan, M.S., Pokharia, A.K., Saxena, A., Prasad, V., Sharma, M. , "Second Preliminary Report of the excavations at Lahuradewa District Sant Kabir Nagar, U.P.: 2002-2003-2004 & 2005-06", Pragdhara, vol. 16, pp. 14-68, 2005/2006  .
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Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi [eds.], , , vol. 14, pp. 305, 2005  .
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Schulz Paulsson, B. , Burg Severgall. Eine Höhensiedlung in den Nordalpen. Ausgrabungen und Funde, , Berlin, Humboldt Universität, 2005  .
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Suter, P.J., Hafner, A., Glauser, K. , "Prähistorische und frühgeschichtliche Funde aus dem Eis - der wiederentdeckte Pass über das Schnidejoch", Archäologie der Schweiz, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 16-23, 2005  .
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Schmid-Sikimic, B., Bigler, B. , "Vom Süden in den Norden und wieder zurück: Wege über die Alpen - Aktuelles zur Eisenzeitforschung im Kanton Zug", Archäologie der Schweiz, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 6-19, 2005  .
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Rageth, J. , "Weitere frührömische Militaria und andere Funde aus dem Oberhalbstein GR - Belege für den Alpenfeldzug", Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, vol. 88, pp. 302-312, 2005  .
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Gronenborn, D., Petrasch, J. , " The Spread of the Neolithic to Central Europe. Programm", Internationale Tagung: Die Neolithisierung Mitteleuropas., Mainz, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (RGZM), pp. 1-5, 24-26/06/2005.
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Gronenborn, D., Petrasch, J. , "The Spread of the Neolithic to Central Europe", Internationale Tagung. Die Neolothisierung Mitteleuropas, Mainz, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (RGZM), pp. 2-23, 24-26/06/2005.
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Gronenborn, D., Petrasch, J. [eds.], "Die Neolithisierung Mitteleuropas - The spread of the neolithic to central Europe.", Die Neolithisierung Mitteleuropas, Magonza, 24/06/2005.
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Trogmayer Ottó , Koncz Margit ,Paluch Tibor [eds.], " Hétezer éves kerámiaművészet", Hétezer éves kerámiaművészet, Hódmezővásárhely, 2005.
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