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PublicationsFound 1282 results Filters: author is J. [Clear All Filters] 1996/1997
Der Schatz aus Troia. Schliemann und der Mythos des Priamos-Goldes.,
: Belser Verlag, 1996/1997 .
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"Padusa. Bollettino del Centro Polesano di studi storici, archeologici e etnografici",
Padusa, vol. anno XXXII/XXXIII, rovigo, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 1996/1997 .
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"Articolazioni culturali e cronologiche. L'Italia settentrionale.",
L'antica età del Bronzo in Italia. Atti del Convegno nazionale (Viareggio, 9-12 gennaio 1995). , Viareggio, Octavo, pp. 57-78, 9-12 gennaio 1995 .
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"La chronologie du Néolithique ancien à Trasano (Matera, Basilicata) dans le contexte de la Mediterranée centrale",
Forme e tempi della neolitizzazione in Italia meridionale e in Sicilia, vol. I-II, Rossano, Rubbettino, pp. 433-441, 29/04-02/05/1994.
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"La chronologie du Néolitique ancien a Trasano (Matera, Basilicata) dans le contexte de la Mediterranée centrale",
Forme e tempi della neolitizzazione in Italia meridionale e in Sicilia, vol. I-II, Rossano-Genova, Rubbettino, pp. 433-441, 29/04-02/05/1994.
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Archäologie in Deutschland. Badefreuden der Römer.,
, vol. Heft 4, Stuttgart, Konrad Theiss, 10/1996.
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"Musée. Bullettin d'information du musée national d'histoire et d'art, Luxembourg",
Musée, issue 10, Luxembourg, Ministère de la culture, 09/1996.
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XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 2, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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"Art in the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic",
XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 8, Forlì, 08/09/1996.
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"Theoretical and Methodological problems",
XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 1, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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"The lower and middle Palaeolithic",
XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 5, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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"The Neolithic in the Near East and Europe",
XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 9, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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"The Bronze Age in Europe and in the Mediterranean",
XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 11, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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"The Prehistory of Africa",
XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 15, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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"The Prehistory of Asia and Oceania",
XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 16, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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Archäologie in Deutschland. Die Thüringer.,
, vol. Heft 2, Stuttgart, Konrad Theiss, 04/1996.
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Archäologie in Deutschland. Vorgeschichtliches Glas.,
, vol. Heft 1, Stuttgart, Konrad Theiss, 01/1996.
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"Ackerbau und Umwelt der Seeufersiedlungen von Zug-Sumpf im Rahmen der mitteleuropäischen Spätbronzezeit. Ergebnisse archäobotanischer Untersuchungen",
Zug-Sumpf. 1: Die Dorfgeschichte, Zug, pp. 198–303, 1996 .
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"Bulletin de la Société Archéologique de la région de Puiseaux",
Bulletin de la Société Archéologique de la région de Puiseaux, vol. 23, 1996 .
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Der Brautstein, Frauen, Steine und Hochzeitsbräuche,
, Bern, edition amalia, 1996 .
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"Ein archäologischer Jahrhundertfund im Kreis Heinsberg. Der bandkeramische Holzbrunnen von Erkelenz-Kückhoven",
Heimatkalender des Kreises Heinsberg, pp. 29-66, 1996 .
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"Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Analysis of Ancient Copper Alloys: Empirical Values for Precision and Accuracy",
Archaeometry, vol. 38, issue 2, pp. 313-323, 1996 .
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Funde und Ausgrabungen im Bezirk Trier. Aus der Arbeit des Rheinischen Landesmuseums Trier,
, vol. 28, Trier, Rheinischen Landesmuseums Trier, 1996 .
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