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Chesterman, J.T. , "Human bones", Notiziario di preistoria e archeologia, vol. 13, pp. 29-30, 1977  .
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Cremaschi, M., Peretto, C. , Il paleolitico dell'Emilia e Romagna, , Firenze, pp. pp. 15-78, 1977  .
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Roche, H., Tiercelin, J.-J. , "Industries lithiques de la formation plio-pléistocéne d'Hadar Ethiopie (campagne 1976).", Act. 8° Cong. panafr. Préhist. Est. Quatern., Nairobi, 1977  .
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Bianchi Bandinelli, R. , "La cultura ellenistica: filosofia, scienza e letteratura.", Storia e civiltà dei Greci, vol. 9, Milano, Bompiani, pp. 5-373, 1977  .
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Bianchi Bandinelli, R. , "La società ellenistica: economia, diritto, religione.", Storia e civiltà dei Greci, vol. 8, Milano, Bompiani, pp. 319-616, 1977  .
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Bianchi Bandinelli, R. , "La società ellenistica: quadro politico.", Storia e civiltà dei Greci, vol. 7, Milano, Bompiani, pp. 5-316, 1977  .
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Micheli, P. , "La vecchia chiesa non più esistente, edificata sul colle che sovrasta Tregiovo", Civis studi e tesi, vol. I, pp. 36-55, 1977  .
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Micheli, P. , "L'antica chiesa non più esistente, edificata sul colle che sovrasta Tregiovo", Civis, vol. I, issue 1, pp. 36-55, 1977  .
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Chiocchetti, V. , "Le antiche pievi trentine del tirolo di Santa Maria Assunta", Studi Trent. di Scienze Storiche, vol. LVI, issue 1: Temi, pp. 75-80, 1977  .
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Leroi-Gourhan, A., Renault-Miskovsky, J. , La palynologie appliquée a l'archéologie Methodes, limites et résultats, , pp. 34-38, 1977  .
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Delporte, H. [eds.], Le Mas d'Azil . ses industries d'après la collecte Piette Etude préliminaire, , Talence, CNRS, pp. 615-621, 1977  .
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Kalicz-Schreiber, R. , "Möglichkeiten zur feineren Gliederung der Nagyrév-Kultur in Budapest", Frühbronzezeit, Mitt. Arch. Inst. Beih. , vol. 2, Budapest-Velem, pp. 81-86, 1977  .
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Dallemulle, A., Marzola, E., De Guio, A., Bianchin Citton, E., Salzani, L., Zerbinati, E., Dallemulle, A., Polo, L. , "Padusa. Bollettino del Centro Polesano di studi storici, archeologici e etnografici", Padusa, vol. anno XIII, issue 1-2-3-4, rovigo, Tipografia IPAG, Torino, pp. 1-129, 1977  .
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Kuniholm, P.I., Striker, C.L. , The Tie-Beam System in the Nave Arcade of St.Eirene: Structure and Dendrochronology, , vol. n.18: Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut Abteilung Instanbul, pp. 229-240, 1977  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The excavation of a mesolithic site at Gerrards Cross, Bucks.", Records of Bucks, vol. 20, issue 3, pp. 308-336, 1977  .
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Hjohlman, B. , "The prehistoric enclosure of Ekornavallen", Svenska fornminnesplatser, vol. 52, Uddevalla, Risbergs Trkckeri AB, 1977  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The Beaker Culture in Italy.", British Archaeological Reports, Supplementary Series, vol. 26, 1977  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The Beaker Culture in Italy.", British Archaeological Reports, Supplementary Series, vol. 26, Oxford, 1977  .
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Keeley, L.H. , "The functions of paleolithic flint tools", Scientific American, pp. 108-126, 1977  .
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Thevenin, A., Sainty, J., Poulain-Josien, T. , Témoignages des premièrs activités agricoles en Alsace., , pp. 175-186, 1977  .
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Koster, H.A. , The Ecology of Pastoralism in Relation to Changing Patterns of Land Use in the Northeast Peloponnese, : University of Pennsylvania, 1977  .
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Pennacchioni, M. [eds.], Torre Crognola, , pp. 5-29 (+37 tavv.), 1977  .
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Selimchanow, I.R. , "Zur frage einer Kupfer-Arsen-Zeit.", Germania Anzeiger. Des römisch-germanischen kommission des Deutsches Archäologischen Instituts, vol. 55, Mainz, 1977  .
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Felgenhauer, F., Felgenhauer, F., Kral, F., Plach, H. , "Zusammenfassung der in den Arbeitsberichten des Kultur-u. Museumsvereines Thaya im Zeitraum 1977-1986 erschienenen Beiträge über die Wüstungs-u. Hausbergforschung im Gemeinde-gebiet Thaya.", Arbeits Berichte: des Kultur-und Museumvreines Thaya., Thaya, Buschek-Druck, 1977  .
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Reihe, A. [eds.], Helms Museum. Hamburgisches Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte., , Hamburg, 1976/1984  .
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