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Jagher, R., Fischer, M., Morel, P. , "Altwasser-Höhle 1 (Rüte AI) une station de chasse épipaléolithique à 140 m d'altidude dans l'Alpstein (massif de Säntis): fouilles 1994 et 1995", MESO'97, actes de la table ronde "Epipaléolothique et Mésolithique", Lausanne, pp. 217-224, 2000  .
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Krenn-Leeb, A., Hofer, N., Leskovar, J., Stradal, C., Hovorka, D., Schipper, F., Lippert, A., Dagmar Vaelske, U. , Archäologie Österreichs, , vol. 11, issue 2, 2000  .
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Bill, J. , "Der Drache am eisernen Gurt.", I Leponti tra mito e realtà. Raccolta di saggi in occasione della mostra, vol. 2, Locarno, pp. 31-40, 2000  .
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Budja, M. , "Documenta Praehistorica", Documenta Praehistorica, vol. XXVII, Ljubljana, Mihael Budja, 2000  .
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Brand, H.J., Breuer, J., Stopfel, W., Wichmann, P., Wilhelm, J. , "Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg. Nachrichtenblatt des landesdenkmalamtes.", Janrgang, vol. 29, Stoccarda, Landesdenkmalamt Baden - Wurttemberg, 2000  .
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Morris, J. , "English summary", Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi, vol. 8: Civico Museo Archeologico di Bergamo, pp. 399-408, 2000  .
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Allué, E., Angelucci, D.E., Cáceres, I., Fiocchi, C., Fontanals, M., Garcìa, M., Huguet, R., Ollé, A., Saladié, P., Vergès, J.M., Zaragoza, J. , "El registro paleoecológico y arqueológico de La Cativera (El Catllar, Tarragona): datos preliminares sobre el límite Pleistoceno-Holoceno en el sur de Cataluña.", Contributos das ciências e das tecnologias para a arqueologia da Península Ibérica, Actas do 3.° Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, vol. IX, Porto, pp. 81-99, 2000  .
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Ardèvol, J.R., Huguet Pàmies, R., Aïmene, M., Allué, E., Angelucci, D.E., Canals Salomó, A., Pastó Marín, I., Rodríguez Álvarez, X.P. , "El yacimiento de las Fuentes de San Cristóbal (Veracruz, Huesca): un nuevo enclave de Paleolítico medio en el Prepirineo.", Paleolítico da Península Ibérica. Actas do 3.° Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, vol. II, Porto, pp. 235-249, 2000  .
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Chapman, J. , Fragmentation in Archaeology. Fragmentation and Practice in the Later Prehistory of Central and Eastern Europe, , London, Routledge, 2000  .
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Janke, R. , "L'insediamento del Castello di Tegna", I Leponti tra mito e realtà. Raccolta di saggi in occasione della mostra, vol. 1, Locarno, pp. 153-155, 2000  .
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Petrasch, J. , "Menschenknochen in Neolithischen Siedlungen: Spuren Sepulkraler Riten oder Abfall?", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 30, issue 3, Mainz, Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, pp. 353-368, 2000  .
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Riedel, A., Rizzi, J. , "Preliminary archaeozoological examination of Eneolithic deposits at Isera-La Torretta (province of Trentino) and comparison with coeval faunal remains of North-Eastern Italy", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 33 (1997): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 101-103, 2000  .
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Chapman, J. , "Pit-Digging and Structural Deposition in the Neolithic and Copper of Central and Eastern Europe", Proceedings of the Prehistorìc Society, vol. 66, pp. 61-87, 2000  .
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Gardiner, J. [eds.], Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, , vol. 66, Salisbury, Wessex Archaeology, pp. 1-418, 2000  .
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Svoboda, J. , "Predmostí", Archeologické Pamatky Stredni Moravy, Olomouc, Vydalo Vlastivedné muzeum v Olomouci, 2000  .
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Kadrow, S., Peška, J., Vitula, P. , "Siedlung des epischnurkeramischen karpatenländischen Kulturkreisis in Přáslavice in Mähren.", A Turning of Ages. Im Wandel der Zeiten. Jubilee Book Dedicated to Professor Jan Machnik on his 70th Anniversary., Krakow, pp. 302-312, 2000  .
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Arnal, J. , "Station néolithique de la Madelcine (Villeneuve-le-Maguelonne, Hérault).", Société Préhistorique Francaise, pp. 289-293, 2000  .
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Angelucci, D.E., Gené, J.M., Ollé, A., Vaquero, M., Vergès, J.M., Allué, E., Fontanals, M., Ibáñez, N., Lozano, M., Rodríguez, X.P., Saladié, P., Zaragoza, J. , "Darreres intervencions arqueològiques en jaciments paleolítics de la conca del Francolí: la Cansaladeta (la Riba, Alt Camp) i el Molí del Salt (Vimbodí, Conca de Barberà).", Tribuna d'Arqueologia, vol. 1999-2000, pp. 23-63, 1999/2000  .
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Zopfi, L.S., Jorio, S. , Notiziario 1999-2000. Soprintendenza archeologica della Lombardia, , Milano, pp. 287, 1999/2000  .
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Mathieu, J. , "Alpine History, AD 1200–1900. Some remarks on methods and models", Prehistoric alpine environment, society, and economy. Papers of the int. coll. PAESE ’97 in Zurich, Bonn, pp. 303–308, 1999  .
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Fassbinder, J.W.E., Irlinger, W.E. [eds.], "Archaeological Prospection.", Third International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, Monaco, Arbeitshefte des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege, pp. 188, 9-11/09/1999.
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Horvat, J. , "Colonizzazione preistorica e romana sulle Alpi di Kamnik (Slovenia)", Atti dell'incontro di studi 'Studio e conservazione degli insediamenti minori romani in area alpina', vol. 8, pp. 63-69, 20 settembre 1997.
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Jorge Vìtor Oliveira , "Journal of Iberian Archeology", Journal of Iberian Archeology, vol. 1: Instituto da Comunicação Social, Lisboa, 1999.
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Arias Cabal, P., Altuna, J., Armendáriz, A., Gonzales, J.E., Ibáñez, J.J., Ontañon, R., Zapata, L. [eds.], "Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento de las primeras sociedades productoras en la región cantábrica.", Actes del II Congrés del Neolític a la Península íbèrica, València, pp. 549-557, 1999.
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Pitts, M., Clay, P., Lawson, A.J., Demouche, F., Slimak, L., Deflandre, D., Thomas, R., Barrett, J., Watson, B., Gardiner, J. , "PAST. The newsletter of the Prehistoric society", PAST, vol. 32, London, University College London, Institute of Archaeology, 07/1999.
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