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PublicationsFound 42 results Filters: keyword is Calcolitico [Clear All Filters] 1984
"The chalcolithic cemetery at Manerba del Garda.",
Antiquity, vol. 57, pp. 116-123, 1983 .
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"The calcolithic cemetery at Manerba del Garda.",
Antiquity, vol. 57, pp. 116-123, 1983 .
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Essai sur la taxonomie du Néolithique et du Chalcolithique de Suisse occidentale.,
, Verona, pp. 323-328, 1982 .
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"The Chalcolithic of Northern Italy in the context of third millenium Europe: questions of basic theory.",
Interaction and acculturation in the Mediterranean, vol. 2, Amsterdam, Jan G.P. Best & Nanny M.W. de Vries, pp. 19-31, 1982 .
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"The Chalcolithic of Northern Italy in the context of third millenium Europe: questions of basic theory.",
Interaction and acculturation in the Mediterranean, vol. 2, Amsterdam, Jan G.P. Best & Nanny M.W. de Vries, pp. 19-31, 1982 .
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"patterns of north italian trade 5000-2000 b.C.",
The Cambridge Conference, Oxford, Grame Barker and Richard Hodgs, 1981 .
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"Studia Praehistorica ",
Studia Praehistorica , vol. 1-2, Sofia, Archäologisches Institut der Bulgarischen Akademei der Wissenschaften - Archäologisches Institut der Akademie der Wissenschaften USSR, 1978 .
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"Kupferzeitliche Idole aus Thrakien in der Prahistorischen Sammlung.",
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, vol. 80, Wien, pp. 815-818, 1976 .
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"Le Nèolithique et le Chalcolithique dans le Centre-ovest de la France.",
Mém. Soc. Prehist. Francaise, vol. 12, 1976 .
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"Culture de Fontbouisse Recherches sur le Chalcolithique en Languedoc oriental",
Pubbl. Ass. Rech. Archéol. Languedoc, vol. 2, Garons, Imprim Offset, 1975 .
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Handbuch der Vorgeschichte. Kupferzeit. Erster Teilband,
, vol. III/1, München, C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1974 .
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Handbuch der Vorgeschichte. Kupferzeit. Zweiter Teilband,
, vol. III/2, München, C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1974 .
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Handbuch der Vorgeschichte. Kupferzeit. Dritter Teilband,
, vol. III/3, München, C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1974 .
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Les habitations chalcolithiques de Conquette (Saint - Martin - de -Londres, Hérault).,
, pp. 494-504, 1973 .
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"A late neolithic idol of conical type",
Acta Archaeologica (Academia Scientiarum Hungaricae), vol. 23, pp. 1-17, 1971 .
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