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Bartelheim, M., Eckstein, K., Huijsmans, M., Kraub, R., Pernicka, E. , "Kupfirzeitliche Metallgewinnung in Brixlegg, Osterreich", Die Anfange der Metallurgie in der Alten Welt, no. 1, Berlin, pp. 33-82, 2002  .
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Bartelheim M., Pernicka, E., Krause, R. , "Kupferzeitliche ", Die anfänger der metallurgie in der Alten Welt. The beginnings of metallurgy in the Old World, 2002  .
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Straus, L.G., Gonzáles Morales, M.R., Fano Martínez, M.A., García-Gelabert, M.P. , "Last Glacial Human Settlement in Eastern Cantabria (Northern Spain).", Journal of Archeological Science, vol. 29, issue 12: Academic Press, pp. 1403-1414, 2002  .
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Thirault, E. , "Diffusions de biens et structuration territoriale au Néolithique: le cas des lames de hache en roches tenaces polies dans les Alpes occidentales.", Actes du Congres CTMS, Tolosa, 04/2001.
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Thirault, E. , "Production, diffusion et usage des haches néolithiques dans les Alpes occidentales et le bassin du Rhone.", Bullettin de la Société Préhistorique Francaise, vol. 98, issue 4, pp. 737-742, 2001  .
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Thirault, E. , "State of knowledges of the petrography and the diffusion ways of the metamorphic rocks used for the axe blades during the Neolithic in the Rhone basin and the Western Alpes.", Slovak Geol. Mag., vol. 7, issue 4, Bratislava, pp. 329-336, 2001  .
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Thirault, E. , "The neolithic axe workshops of eclogites and Jadeites in the french Alpsi and and their role in the network of exchanges in the Rhone basin.", Slovak Geol. Mag., vol. 7, issue 4, Bratislava, pp. 416-419, 2001  .
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Niederwanger, G., Oberrauch, H. , "A Neolithic highland dwelling in Rosszähne in the municipality of Vadena", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 33 (1997), Trento, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 87-90, 1997.
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Oberrauch, H. , "Ein Depotfund von vier Kupferäxten am Pigloner Kopf (Südtirol).", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 30, issue 4, pp. 481-498, 2000  .
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Thirault, E. [eds.], La Bégude - de - Mazenc quartier Gros - Jean (Drome) : un dépot de longues lames de hache polies, , vol. 2, pp. 297 - 313, 1999  .
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Rauzi, G.M. , "Ricchezza di insegne araldiche alla "corte franca" di Mattarello", Strenna Trentina, 1999  .
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Krause, R. , "Zur Entwicklung der frühbronzezeitlichen Metallurgie nördlich der Alpen", Mensch und Umwelt in der Bronzezeit Europas, Kiel, Oetker-Volges Verlag, pp. 163-192, 1998  .
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Kastl, G., Rau, P., Wesselkamp, G. , "Goldene Jahrhunderte. Die Bronzezeit in Sudwestdeutschland", ALManach, vol. 2, Stuggart, Theiss, 1997  .
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Krause, R., Matuschik, I., Billamboz, A., Schlichtherle, H., Dieckmann, B., Reim, H., Dehn, R. , "Goldene Jahrhunderte. Die Bronzezeit in Südwestdeutschland", ALManach, vol. 2, Stuttgart, Kommissionsverlag Konrad Theiss, pp. 144, 1997  .
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Le Brun-Ricalens, F., De Ruijter, A., Merkel, M., Gaeng, C., Hauzeur, A., Metzler, J., Gaeng, C., Reinert, F., Mousset, J.-L., Elsen, J.-M., Engel, E., Faber, A., Schroeder, N., Strauss, G., Brausch, N., Krier, T., Kohl, E., Linden, P., Raymond, M. , "Musée. Bullettin d'information du musée national d'histoire et d'art, Luxembourg", Musée, issue 10, Luxembourg, Ministère de la culture, 09/1996.
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Oberrauch, H. , "Die Spätneolithische Siedlung auf dem "Pigloner Kopf". Ein Vorbericht über die Station auf dem Mitterberg (Gemeide Pfatten)", Der Schlern, vol. 70, Bolzano, pp. 613-630, 1996  .
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Huijsmans, M., Krauß, R. , Fundberichte aus Österreich 35, 1996, , vol. 428-430, 1996  .
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Krause, R. , "Grabenwerk - Siedlung - Gräberfeld: Drei Jahre Ausgrabungen in der bandkeramischen Siedlung bei Vaihingen an der Enz, Kreis Ludwigsburg", Archaologische Ausgrabungen in Baden- Wurttemberg 1996: Theiss, pp. 37-41, 1996  .
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Huijsmans, M., Krauß, R. , Fundberichte aus Österreich 34, 1995, , vol. 638-642, 1995  .
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Braunstein, M.P. , "Gli statuti delle miniere europee medievali.", Civis, vol. XIX, issue 57: gruppo culturale Civis, pp. 159-180, 1995  .
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Avanzini, R., Carli, R., D'Angela, D., Gremes, A., Pasquali, T., Rauss, B. , "Studi sui materiali rinvenuti nei settori 2 e 2A della Busa dei Preeri (Comune di Avio - Trentino). ", Annali dei Musei Civici di Rovereto, vol. X , pp. 41-94, 1994.
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Grimal, J., Walrave, Y., Guiraud, R., Charras, F., Granier, C., Roudiere, J., Lunes, L., Teillaud, P., Gasc, D., Quatrefages, M., Vignard, G., Coroir, M., Roudiere, J., Gigou, L., Bec, J., Barthès, P., Lattes, P., Langlois, L., Rodriguez, G., Vasseur, F. , "Histoire et prehistorie du Pays Saint-Ponais", Bulletin du Musee Municipal de Prehistoire de Saint-Pons. Cahiers du Saint-Ponais (Nouvelle série), vol. 2, Saint-Pons, 1994  .
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Straus, L.G. , "Iberia before the Iberians: The Stone Age Prehistory of Cantabrian Spain.", Journal of Anthropological Research, vol. 50, issue 2: University of New Mexico, pp. 213-215, 1994  .
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Levi Strauss, C. [eds.], Tristi tropici, , Milano, Il Saggiatore economici, 1994  .
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Avanzini, M., Bertolini, M., Carli, R., Chelidonio, G., Gremes, A., Pasquali, T., Rauss, B. , "Considerazioni sui materiali e sulla fauna provenienti dal settore 3 della Busa dei Preeri (Comune di Avio - Trentino). ", Annali dei Musei Civici di Rovereto, vol. IX, pp. 37-74, 1993  .
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