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Degli Alberti, F.F. , Annali del Principato Ecclesiastico di Trento dal 1022 al 1540, , 1860  .
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Corniani degli Algarotti, M.A. , Dello stabilimento delle miniere e relative fabbriche nel distretto di Agordo. Trattato storico, mineralogico, disciplinare, , 1823  .
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Book Chapter
Egli, R. , "Die Untersuchung der Besiedlungs- und Entsiedlungsvorgänge im Gebirge als Prozessforschung: Fragestellung und Methoden.", Siedlungsprozesse an der Höhengrenze der Ökumene. Am Beispiel der Alpen. Siedlungsforschung, Bonn, pp. 43–67, 1990  .
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Nisbet, R., Seglie, D., Fozzati, L., Gambari, F.M., Bertone, A., , "Cavour. Avigliana. Pombia. Briona. Roreto Chisone. Borgone di Susa. Viverone.", Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Piemonte, vol. 2, Torino, Novara, pp. 164-177, 1983  .
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Journal Article
Chiurazzi, R., Cinquetti, M., Gambari, F.M., Ricchiardi, P., Seglie, D. , "Pitture rupestri del Pinerolese. Repertorio e museologia", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 46, issue II: Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali, pp. 133-134, 2012  .
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Egli, M., Brandová, D., Böhlert, R., Favilli, F., Kubik, P.W. , "10Be inventories in Alpine soils and their potential for dating land surfaces ", Geomorphology, 2010  .
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Favilli, F., Cherubini, P., Collenberg, M., Egli, M., Sartori, G., Schoch, W., Haeberli, W. , "Charcoal fragments of Alpine soils as an indicator of landscape evolution during the holocene in Val di Sole (Trentino, Italy) ", Holocene , vol. 20, issue 1, pp. 67-79, 2010  .
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Favilli, F., Egli, M., Sartori, G., Cherubini, P., Brandová, D., Haeberli, W. , "Application of relative and absolute dating techniques in the Alpine environment", Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, vol. 85, pp. 93-108, 2009  .
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Favilli, F., Egli, M., Brandová, D., Ivy-Ochs, S., Kubik, P.W., Maisch, M., Cherubini, P., Haeberli, W. , "Combination of numerical dating techniques using 10be in rock boulders and 14C of resilient soil organic matter for reconstructing the chronology of glacial and periglacial processes in a high alpine catchment during the late Pleistocene and early Holocen", Radiocarbon, vol. 51, issue 2, pp. 537-552, 2009  .
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Favilli, F., Egli, M., Brandová, D., Ivy-Ochs, S., Kubik, P.W., Cherubini, P., Mirabella, A., Sartori, G., Giaccai, D., Haeberli, W. , "Combined use of relative and absolute dating techniques for detecting signals of Alpine landscape evolution during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene ", Geomorphology, vol. 112, issue 1-2, pp. 48-66 , 2009  .
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Egli, M., Sartori, G., Mirabella, A., Favilli, F., Giaccai, D., Delbos, E. , "Effect of north and south exposure on organic matter in high Alpine soils ", Geoderma, vol. 149, issue 1-2, pp. 124-136 , 2009  .
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Aberegg, I., Egli, M., Sartori, G., Purves, R. , "Modelling spatial distribution of soil types and characteristics in a high Alpine valley (Val di Sole, Trentino, Italy).", Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, vol. 85, pp. 39-50, 2009  .
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Merkli, C., Sartori, G., Mirabella, A., Egli, M., Mancabelli, A., Plötze, M. , "The soils in the Brenta region: chemical and mineralogical characteristics and their relation to landscape evolution", Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, vol. 85, pp. 7-22, 2009  .
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Egli, M., Mirabella, A., Sartori, G. , "The role of climate and vegetation in weathering and clay mineral formation in late Quaternary soils of the Swiss and Italian Alps ", Geomorphology, vol. 102, issue 3-4, pp. 307-324 , 2008  .
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Merkli, C., Sartori, G., Mirabella, A., Egli, M., Mancabelli, A., Plötze, M. , "Weathering, mineralogical evolution and soil organic matter along a Holocene soil toposequence developed on carbonate-rich materials ", Geomorphology, vol. 97, issue 3-4, pp. 675-696 , 2008  .
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Egli, M., Mirabella, A., Sartori, G., Giaccai, D., Zanelli, R., Plötze, M. , "Effect of slope aspect on transformation of clay minerals in Alpine soils", Clay minerals, vol. 42, pp. 373-398, 2007  .
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Egli, M., Mirabella, A., Sartori, G., Zanelli, R., Bishof, S. , "Effect of north and south exposure on weathering rates and clay mineral formation in Alpine soils", Catena, vol. 67, pp. 155-174, 2006  .
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Egli, M., Mirabella, A., Mancabelli, A., Sartori, G. , "Weathering of soils in alpine areas as influenced by climate and parent material", Clays and Clay Minerals, vol. 52, pp. 287-303, 2004  .
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Mirabella, A., Egli, M. , "Structural transformations of clay minerals in soils of a climosequence in an Italian Alpine environment ", Clays and Clay Minerals , vol. 51, issue 3, pp. 264-278 , 2003  .
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Egli, M., Mirabella, A., Sartori, G., Fitze, P. , "Weathering rates as a function of cilmate: results from a climosequence of the Val Genova (Trentino, Italian Alps)", Geoderma, vol. 111, pp. 99-121, 2003  .
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Mirabella, A., Egli, M., Carnicelli, S., Sartori, G. , "Influence of parent material on clay minerals formation in Podzols of Trentino, Italy ", Clay Minerals , vol. 37, issue 4, pp. 699-707 , 2002  .
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Egli, M., Mirabella, A., Sartori, G. , "Rate and conditions for smectite formation in soil developed from granitic parent material in three alpine areas in Switzerland and Italy", Deutschen Ton und Tonmineralgruppe e. V., vol. 7, pp. 55-66, 2000  .
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Nisbet, R., Seglie, D. , Balm'Chanto - Archeologia della Val Chisone - Prima campagna di scavi 1981, , Pinerolo, pp. pp. 5-82, 1983  .
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Nisbet, R., Seglie, D. , "Balm' Chanto - Val Chisone", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 16 (1980): Museo tridentino di scienze naturali, pp. 154, 1982  .
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Magazine Article
Degli Onorati, C.A. , "Le famiglie nobili e notabili delle Giudicarie Esteriori.", Judicaria, 1993  .
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