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Pétrequin, P., Jeudy, F., Jeunesse, C. , "Minières néolitiques, échanges de haches et contrôle social du sud Vosgien à la Bourgogne", N.D., pp. 449-476, 1996  .
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Skeates, R. , Animate objects : a biography of prehistoric "axe - amulets" in the central Mediterranean region., , vol. 61, pp. 279-301, 1995  .
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Vuaillat, D., Santallier, D., Ploquin, A., Floc'H , P. , "Les haches neolithiques limousines etude geochmique des materiaux meta-doleritiques consequences archeologiques et geologiques", n.d., vol. 19, pp. 63-78, 1995  .
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Starkel, L. , "Regularities of mountain geoecosystems", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 28/1 (1992): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 11-18, 1995  .
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Vahlkampf, G. , "Urzeitliche Siedlungsspuren am Rabenstein bei Lavamünd in Kärnten. Ein Beitrag zum jüngeren Neolithikum in Kärnten", Verlag des Geschichtsvereines für Kärnten: Verlag des Geschichtvereins Kärnten, pp. 240, 1995  .
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Ricq-de Bouard, M. , "Trade in Neolithic Jadeite Axes from the Alps: New Data.", Trade and Exchange in Prehistoric Europe. , University of Boston, University of Boston.
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Carancini, G.L. , "Primi sviluppi della metallurgia nell'area medio-tirrenica nel quadro della Protostoria peninsulare.", Vulcano a Mezzano. Insediamento e produzioni artigianali nella media valle del Fiora nell'età del Bronzo, Valentano, pp. 125-150, 1993  .
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D'Amico, C., Felice, G., Ghedini, M. , "Lithic supplies in the early neolithic to Sammardenchia (Friuli), Northern Italy.", Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage, vol. 1, Bologna, pp. 159 - 176, 1992  .
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D'Amico, C., Felice, G., Ghedini, M. , "Lithic supplies in the early neolithic to Sammardenchia (Friuli), Northern Italy.", Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage, vol. I, pp. 159-176, 1992  .
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Leighton, R. , "Stone Axes and Exchange in South Italian Prehistory: New Evidence from Old Collections", Accordia Research Papers, vol. 3, pp. 11-40, 1992  .
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Aspes, A., Fasani, L. , "Tentativo di classificazione delle asce piatte della regione sudalpina centrale e padana.", Der Mann im Eis. Bericht uber das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck, vol. 1, Innsbruck, Veroffentlichungen der Universitat Innsbruck, pp. 378-404, 1992  .
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Ricq-de Bouard, M. , "Trade in Neolithic Jadeite Axes from the Alps: New Data.", Trade and Exchange in Prehistoric Europe. Conference at the University of Bristol.: Oxbow Books, pp. 61-67, 1992  .
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Odetti, G. , "La Grotta degli Inglesi e le anse ad ascia in Liguria", Rivista Ingauna e Intemelia, vol. XLVI-XLVII, issue 1-4: Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri, pp. 118-127, 1991/1992  .
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Winiger, J. , "Zur Formenlehre der Steinbeilklingen", Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, vol. 74, pp. 79-106, 1991  .
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Beran, J. , "Lanzetteförmige Doppeläxte des Jungeren Mittelneolithikums im Saalgebiet.", Alt-Thüringen,Thüringisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie, vol. 25, Bohlau (Weimar), pp. 7-29, 1990  .
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Le Roux, T. , "La petro-archeologie des haches polies armoricaines, 40 ans apres", Revue archéologique Ouest, vol. Supplemént 2, pp. 345-353, 1990  .
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Lo Schiavo, F. , "Le più antiche asce a margini rialzati della Sardegna.", Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, vol. XLII, issue 1-2, Firenze, pp. 241-270, 1989/1990  .
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Leighton, R. , Ground Stone Tools from Serra Orlando (Morgantina) and Stone Axe Studies in Sicily and Southern Italy, , vol. 55, pp. 135 - 159, 1989  .
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Winghart, S. , "Eine Steinaxt der frühmetallzeitlichen Schnurkeamikkultur von der Einöde Heidenpoint", Das Archäologische Jahr in Bayern, pp. 42-44, 1988  .
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Maier, R.A. , "Steinäxte der frühmetallzeitlichen Schnurkeramikkultur an Alz und Traun", Das Archäologische Jahr in Bayern, pp. 40-42, 1988  .
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Pearce, M. , "Contributo alla carta di distribuzione delle asce in pietra levigata dell'Italia: la provincia di Pavia", Bollettino della Società Pavese di Storia Patria, Como, Litografia New Press, pp. 235-248, 1987  .
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Schwarz-Mackensen, G., Schneider, W. , "Petrographie und Herkunft des Rohmaterials neolithischer Steinbeile und -Axte im nordlichen Harzvorland", Archaologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 16, pp. pp. 29-44, 1986  .
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Laue, S., Langenecker, U. [eds.], Der Begriff Schuhleistenkeil in der Literatur., , 1985/1986  .
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Carancini, G.L. , Prahistorische Bronzefunde. Le asce nell'Italia continentale II, , vol. Abteilung IX, Band 12: Verlag C.H. Beck, 1984  .
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Patay P. , Prahistorische Bronzefunde. Kupferzeitliche Meissel, Beile und Axte in Ungarn, , vol. Abteilung IX, Band 15: Verlag C.H. Beck, 1984  .
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